Legal notice
Published by
HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l.
8, Rue Lou Hemmer, L-1748 Senningerberg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Contact details:
Board of Directors
Mr. Sebastian Bos
Telephone: +(352) 246 160 6000
Concept & design
ROOM Communication GmbH
The content of these web pages is copyright protected. All images and photos on the web pages of HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l. are the property of HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l. and may not, in particular, be adopted, reproduced, disseminated or stored or used in any form on data storage devices or other media without its consent. The adoption and use of the data requires the written consent of HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l..
Internal references and links
On our pages we have included links to other pages, the content and updating of which are not under the control of HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l. The following applies to all these links: „HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l. has no influence on the design and content of third party internet web sites. The company therefore distances itself from any third-party content, even if pages of HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l. have been linked to these external pages.” This declaration applies to all links displayed on our website and to any content of the pages to which the banners and links registered with us lead.
Individual references
All information, data and illustrations are based on foundations that may vary over time and are intended for general guidance only. No liability can be assumed for the completeness of the information. A legal claim cannot be derived from this. Only certified documents are binding.
Legal validity
This disclaimer is part of the website of HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l. If individual wordings or parts of this text no longer or no longer fully comply with the prevailing legal norms, this shall not affect the remaining parts of this declaration.
Responsible for the content and contact
HPREF I Charlotte (Archer 1) Investments S.à.r.l.
All information on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a contractual offer. No liability is assumed for the completeness of the information. The images are intended for the sole purpose of provisionally illustrating the project. The right is expressly reserved to make deviations at a later planning stage.
As of: April 2021